So, for those of you that don't remember, I went all the way across the country to Khovd about 2 months ago for an STL split, and was lucky enough to go again. We left Friday morning at 4am, took a taxi to the airport, flew 3 hours to Khovd and got there in the morning ready to work. We were in Khovd for a total of 5 days and it was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! (so amazing that I took 50 videos and almost 300 photos.... be proud of me mom. unfortunately I will only be able to send a fraction of those because it takes way too long to do on the computer, haha)
So here are the main updates:
1) President Benson called me last Monday to explain that he has been given the transfer dates for the year, and they are a little weird and there is no transfer in September There is one on August 25th or October 27th, and either way, it is over a month away from our scheduled release date, so we had to make a choice now. We were asked to stay unless we had pressing reasons, so my mission release day will be October 27th meaning that when I finish my mission, I will have served for 19 months and 2 days..... I get a extra month in Mongolia serving these amazing people!
2) Our golden investigator, Ariunzaya, passed her baptismal interview and will be getting baptized this Friday! I am so happy for her! She is so incredibly ready for this gospel.
3) This week we had zone training, and my STL comp and I taught about loving people as well as solving conflict (companionship inventory). It went really well, especially with our continued examples of what not to do and what to do, haha. Everyone loved it and I think it went really well! I did feel like an actress though, haha.
4) Khovd was absolutely beautiful! It has officially become summer here I think. I didn't wear a coat at all the 5 days we were there and, I think I am starting to least a not so white shade of pale, haha
5) I also got one of the realest Mongolian experiences someone could have ... while in Khovd, we went to do service at a less active's ger, and they have over 600 goats. Well, I got to hold newly born goats, and help catch, tie, and brush the wool off of big goats. It was crazy, and I think the goats were in a lot of pain, but I did it and I brushed all the wool off 3 goats!!! I am officially a country girl :)
6) I met and taught someone in Mongolian sign language in Khovd!!! It was a very cool experience and he was very grateful that someone could talk to him and especially about gospel things! I felt that man's spirit so strongly and I think I had to meet him and introduce him to the gospel.
Well, that was my week, and it was so amazing to have another chance to truly see and enjoy the Mongolian countryside life. I love this country! Also, transfers are in about 1 week, which seems like it happened so fast. Anyways, I love this mission and every person I have met here! They all are so humble and kind and ready for Christ's restored gospel. I am grateful to be here!
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