So this week was AMAZING in all aspects! We watched general conference, went to a zone training in Darhan, I got my birthday package, we played volleyball with the YSAs, I read the most amazing talk during personal study this week (becoming a consecrated missionary---read it!), and we found new families to teach. Seriously an awesome week!
Monday, we played volleyball with the YSA for FHE, and it was so incredibly fun! Most of them had never played before, but they all play basketball (Mongolians looove basketball), so they picked it up quickly, and it was an awesome game! I'm sad to say I have lost whatever skills I had from daily practice in the MTC, so sad :( haha
This week, we went to Darhan again for a zone training, and it was the best zone training I've had so far! Instead of focusing on how to teach a principle or whatnot, the whole training was on believing in ourselves and our potential and encouragement... it was basically like women's conference for missionaries ("you rock" "you can do it" etc) I learned a ton from it. At every zone training, 2 or 3 missionaries are chosen randomly to give a talk on a topic everyone prepared for... this week was about patience. And of course, I was chosen. My head injury had really tried my patience this last month or so, and one day (when my head was the absolute worst) for personal study I felt that instead of reading the BofM, I needed to read the august Liahona (church magazine). And in that Liahona was the answer to my prayers - a talk on patience in which the author shares an experience very similar to mine and then gives wonderful insights on the topic. I would encourage everyone to read it again. Anyways, I shared my experience at conference and my testimony and the spirit was so strong, and some told me that was exactly what they needed to hear. The Lord not only uses missionaries to strengthen and help members and investigators, but other missionaries as well.
Also, general conference was amazing! I had to wait to watch it because the translations had to be done for Mongolian, but I watched it this weekend and learned so much from the speakers and the spirit as I watched. I loved Russel M Nelson's talk on women, and it made me think about the kind of woman I want to become; when I get the Liahona I'll make lists and goals to do so :) I also loved the idea of ponderizing a scripture a week, and have committed to do it at least throughout my mission, and hopefully my life! I already chose my first scripture!
We are the luckiest missionaries on the planet! In Mongolia, since we can't proselyte, finding investigators can become very difficult, but my companion and I have been so blessed as of late. People seem to be coming to us! This week we found to new FAMILIES- yep, families, woohoo! Both of these families were found the same way- a teenage daughter came to church on her own and told us to meet her and her family. Both families seem just perfectly ready for the gospel and expressed their strong desire to belong to our church and that our teachings are exactly what they want in their lives.... um, how cool is that?! We are sooo lucky!
Anyways, that's about all for this week.I love you all!
Enjoying birthday treats! |
Groupies - we came out together and are serving in the same zone. |
Zone selfie |
Zone leader & AP pretending to be me and my comp
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