So this week was pretty
great. We have three investigators that if everything goes well will be getting
baptized the end of this month! We have had some AMAZING lessons with all of
them about repentance and I really think they are being prepared fully for baptism.
We also had an investigator who had previously said never call me again, show
up and ask to start meeting with us again, so that is awesome I really hope he
progresses.... boy am I praying he does!

My favorite things I
learned from the conference were these quotes, "the process of conversion
is not just baptism" and "repentance is a process, not an
event." These are so true and so incredibly important that our
investigators learn before they are baptized. We all aren't perfect, and we all
sin daily, and therefore we must repent daily... we must use the atonement
We took the train home
again with all the other country missionaries in our area, and something crazy
happened. Two of the elders got off at their area around midnight, and less
than 5 minutes later they were calling me saying something about being attacked
by drunken men. We were on the train so there was nothing we could do except
pray and pray hard. We all did for a while until the elders called me with the
update. A drunk man tried to rob the elders at knife point, threatened to kill
the American elder, followed them home with one elder at knife point so they
could give him money, then the elders jumped inside and slammed it shut on the
man, the man was yelling and banging and broke the door handle, but eventually
left. Both elders are safe and sound, but it was crazy!!! That will definitely
be a story they tell to their grandkids :)
Friday, we went on splits
with the STL's in our area and I had a really cool experience. We wanted to
meet investigators, but I kept having the feeling that we needed to meet with
this member who I had met with one time two months ago. So, we went, and the
gate was open, but there was a dog and no one answering. I don't know why, but
we started walking in to check the house, even though Mongolia dogs will kill
you!! We get close and she comes out!! woohoo! We visited her and found out
that within the last month, her son's very pregnant wife lost her baby, this
ladies' mother past away, and her older sister pasted away! She has been
struggling and that morning, she had just been praying and praying that God
would send people her way. She told us we were the answer to her prayers. I
then shared an experience I had recently about a friend passing away and a
scripture that helped. And by the end of the thought she was crying and
thanking us and telling us how much she needed us. This truly was an amazing
experience for me, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that God led us to
her through the whisperings of the Holy Ghost.
Also, two of my favorite
investigators are attending and they really want to learn and study so
yesterday, I surprised them with scriptures that I got while in UB. They were
so incredibly excited and grateful that they started to cry and wouldn't stop
hugging me. They want to learn so badly, and this was something they had been
hoping and praying for. I love them and they are awesome!
This says Erdenet - the name of my area. |
Isn't Mongolia beautiful? |
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