Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Monday, November 2, 2015


This week was AWESOME!!
Monday my comp and I decided to get soiban (traditional yummy dish here) from a place here in town and it was the best soiban I've had on my mission and the best meat I've had in Mongolia! I’m not sure what kind of meat it is, haha!

Tuesday we visited a blind ALA (less active) lady - she is amazing! She is absolutely adorable! She has super long hair (to her knees) because she believes it's God's special creation and shouldn't be harmed. She was baptized 5 yrs ago, but hasn't been to church in 2 yrs because she lives with two of her children who hate our church and anytime she attempts to go, they threaten to burn her scriptures, so she doesn't go. She told us that she has been praying for those 2 yrs that she would be able to come and be able to pay her tithing. She is so amazing! We are going to start picking her up and taking her home from church so that she can go. She is amazing and her spirit and testimony are so strong! I love her! Also Tuesday we played minute to win it games and Uno at mutual and the youth were awesome!!! So fun!

Friday our investigators got baptized!! Tuyatsetseg has been an investigator over a year, her husband is an RM (return missionary). Her daughter got baptized one year ago and now they are all members. Her husband baptized her and it was such an amazing experience!

Batbayar is our golden investigator. He was so prepared and received all the lessons and got baptized in about a month! We taught him most of the lessons then gave him to the elders because we ran out of time. The day he was baptized, he shared the most amazing testimony about a burden being lifted from him that day! He wants to leave on his mission in one year and then study at BYU Hawaii. Such an awesome kid!

Saturday and Sunday we with 60 of the Erdenet members to Darhan for a District Conference. The mission president and a Member of the 70 (high up church leader) came and gave great talks. We had about 15 investigators come and they all had awesome experiences! The sisters in Darhan look like our twins, so all weekend long people were asking if we are related, haha.

This week is the big transfer, so we will see, maybe next week’s email will come from somewhere else, but I hope not. I can go anywhere. erdenet, darhan, hovd, troibolsan, murin, zone haraa, selenge, baganore, or UB... I think that's all the areas. We pay for transportation from funds they give us then we get refunded by the office later.

1. What kind of animals do you see all the time? I see beautiful horses, sheep, cows (they wonder everywhere even in town), dogs(most of which are way scary), cats (also evil here), goats, and sometimes yaks.
2. Are baptisms the same in Mongolia? Baptisms are the same, same program, and missionaries plan it all and bring the refreshments.
3. Do Mongolians know about Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas?  They know about them, teenagers celebrate Halloween, no one celebrates Thanksgiving, and only church members kinda celebrate Christmas.
4. How cold is it now? Are you dying? It flips between absolutely freezing and normal fall temps.
Frozen tundra
The awesome youth


  1. What an amazing job your doing Emily. These people are being blessed through you.

  2. What an amazing job your doing Emily. These people are being blessed through you.
