About 1 hour ago, I Skyped with my family and my brother on his mission. It was sad to say goodbye for the last time before finishing my mission, but kind of exciting too. I will be home in less than 6 months, which means I only have a little bit of time to make as big of a difference as I can here in Mongolia. Anyways, I was one lucky girl today to talk to my family. I love you mom, happy mother's day!
Locked out :( |
As an update on the toe, bruised and slightly hurting but off the crutches and walkin around. God definitely blesses his servants. I've had a fun week full of crutches, getting locked out resulting in staying in the dorms of the mission home, transfers, catching a thief who stole my wallet, and all kinds of other craziness!!!!
(Additional info from mom: Sister Harker chased the thief! She followed him while calling the police and then ultimately he was caught & jailed. She got her wallet back and was only missing a small amount of money. Lesson #215: Never chase a thief, run the opposite direction!)
My new comp |
On another note, TRANSFERS CAME! I am still in the city in the Einhtaivan ward, but I have a new comp. I am now with a mini missionary (she will serve for 6 weeks) named Giiguul from the Nalaihk branch (one of my first areas, and where my 1st mini missionary was from as well). She is 23, graduated, the only member in her family, and she is preparing for a mission. I am very lucky because she was a branch missionary and used to teach the lessons to the new members, so she already has experience! She got into this area at a great time as we have soooo much work and it just keeps growing! I am really excited to watch everything take off this transfer!
So, with the transfer came a miracle... I got moved to the apartment where I am officially registered on my visa, and when we got moved in there were tons of old area books for other areas. I felt this strong need to look through them and you would never guess what I found .. the area books from my FIRST AREA in Bayanzurkh!!!! After Sister Sneddon went home and I got transferred, we gave them to the elders, who never met with any of our people and then it looks like they left the books here. I had been asking the Bayanzurkh missionaries about these people for the last 10 months, and now I know what happened. I went through the book, wrote out explanations to clarify my poorly written Mongolian when I first got here, and got the books to that branches' missionaries who I'm praying will be able to meet with and continue changing the lives of those I first met as a newbie!
Also, we have MANY investigators right now who are living with their boyfriends/girlfriends, and the struggle is so real! They all have strong testimonies of the truths we teach them, but they seem scared of trusting in God if they move out... anyways, but we seem to have had a breakthrough with one of them. We taught here about temples and eternal marriage, and she LOVED it. She kept saying how she knows she needs to go there and ASAP, well we talked about the way to get there is through baptism, and the way to get there is by marrying or moving out. She then shared that she had prayed about it and received an answer from God that she needs to break up and move out as her boyfriend does not support her church involvement and that she really needed to move out, get baptized. She said she needed to pray for the strength to do it, but she feels that this is what she needs to do. I just know that if she chooses to follow God's answer, she will be strengthened and blessed. I hope she does so soon!
This week is a big English symposium for 3 days and stake conference, so we will only be able to teach 11 lessons :( But, we are going to make the most of our time and next week, we can get back to the hard core visiting life.
I just want to say that this gospel truly blesses and changes lives! I know it does as it has for me and for so many of those I've met and taught on my mission here. Even if they don't join the church, the knowledge that this gospel contains blesses EVERYONE.
I have a request this week. I would really like to here your conversion stories or examples of times that the gospel has truly blessed you. Please email me your stories!!! The more the better! I love you all! Thanks for your support!